Sunday, March 16, 2008

Frustrations of a GeeChee Girl

As I write this, it is still freezing cold outside with clouds floating by and I am so ready for spring! It is very hard for a soul that was meant to live in the south and on a island to be trapped here in Fort Wayne, Indiana. My soul yearns for sun and warmth and the sounds of the ocean as it's waves lapp against the shore. You see, I was never meant to end up here in the Midwest. Yes, you may point out to me that I was born down the road, but the truth is, I have never really belonged here. I knew it the first time I crossed the causeway onto my small island in South Carolina, that it was where I was meant to live. Not here! So I am sitting here at my computer dreaming of island and wishing very hard for spring to finally arrive!

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