Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A change it is coming!

So things at work are starting to get real interesting. People higher than me are putting in for transfers, deals and offers are being made. Who will jump, who will go, who will stay? It sounds like it will get very interesting over the next several months. As for me, I will stay right where I am at! Making my own schedule, making my job up as I go! I just hope the changes will not effect my position and hours. I guess only time will tell where things are going. Should be interesting! Off to fix supper!


Monday, March 17, 2008

The whirlwind is gone

So after a week of my daughter being home for spring break, the whirlwind is gone. The house seems quiet and I have to admit I miss her already. It seems one gets settled into a routine and when the routine is disrupted it can drive you crazy. But then after the routine drifts slowly back into its normal pattern, you miss the whirlwind that whipped in and out of the house, and shook things up a bit. Makes me sad to see her go. We will see her again in a few weeks when she celebrates her 21st birthday so I can look forward to that. Yes, it is true, my baby turns 21! After 28 years of being responsible for other human beings, my responsibilities are slowly shrinking. One part of me feels sad, but the other part feels glad. Now there is time for me and what I want to do. Now I just have to figure that one out!


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Frustrations of a GeeChee Girl

As I write this, it is still freezing cold outside with clouds floating by and I am so ready for spring! It is very hard for a soul that was meant to live in the south and on a island to be trapped here in Fort Wayne, Indiana. My soul yearns for sun and warmth and the sounds of the ocean as it's waves lapp against the shore. You see, I was never meant to end up here in the Midwest. Yes, you may point out to me that I was born down the road, but the truth is, I have never really belonged here. I knew it the first time I crossed the causeway onto my small island in South Carolina, that it was where I was meant to live. Not here! So I am sitting here at my computer dreaming of island and wishing very hard for spring to finally arrive!