Thursday, January 22, 2009

Siena, Italy and Jockey Shorts

Here is one of my favorite pictures from our trip to Italy. This was taken inside the walled city of Sienna. I love the old building and the fact that someone hung their jockey shorts out the window on the clothes line. The fact that they are so artfully arrange with one pair of shorts on one end and the other pair on the other side to balance the arrangements is just priceless. When I was living in Indy, I took a folklore class and the discussion was the art of hanging laundry. The premise was that women are naturally artistic and find ways to express that art in everyday living. If the only way they can express the artist within themselves, is by hanging laudry, then they will do it! This to me is true art and I know that I have never looked at hanging laundry the same way. I hope you don't either! You would fully understand if you could see the number of pictures of hanging laundry I took in Italy, Turkey and Greece.


I am stuck at home while my laundry room is being tiled and I am bored. When you are working during the day, you realize that when you are stuck at home, there is really no one to talk to! All your friends are likewise working so there is really no one to even call. I am missing lunch with my mom and sisters since Joe the tile guy is still here. He has to now grout the tile and then should be gone. I have attached photos my of ungrouted tile. Now I hate to be picky, but why in the world would he set tile that has to be cut against the wall that you see when you walk into the room. The whole pieces of tiles are where the washer and dryer will be set and which no one will see. I just didn't have the heart to say this to him after he already had it all laid out. An then what the heck do I know? I don't set tile for a living. I work in the OR. I am assuming that this is simply the way it is done. Don't question me in the OR, and I won't question you when you lay tile!
Now seven weeks after I hit a deer with my baby, I should be getting my car back. It has been problem after problem of getting parts to fix it. It is a one year old vehicle for goodness sakes. Part should not be a problem! Good thing we have not yet sold our van. Son #1 has another of our cars as we waits for tires. Yes, I know we have too many cars but at times like this, I am glad we do. Now if Joe the tile guy would get done, I could get out of here!
I am reading a book given to me by my brother in law. It is about a man living in Rome for a year. Makes me realize how much I want to go back to Italy! I promise to post more wonderful pictures later!