Sunday, May 31, 2009

Things that can't help but make you smile!

So we were out last night with a couple of friends and in the parking lot of the place we ate and drank at, there was this van. Looking at it, you can not help but smile. It looks like someone had taken some white paint to create a canvas, and then just went to town painting this beautiful art on the van's body. It was great. Congratulations to its owners. It certainly looks like something that belongs in Haight Ashbury instead of here in Indiana. I loved it!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hee Haw!

Today became brighter today; not that I am complaining about the day. It is beautiful and I ran all my errands in the convertible. You got to love that! Anyway, I digress....... The door bell rang and there stood the Fed Ex man with a signed delivery. Now I don't know about you, but I love getting anything from the Fed Ex man. It is even more exciting when you have no idea what someone has sent you! Anyway, I again digress. I tore open the package after I had signed and there were our CMA Fan Fest passes for our Nashville trip in June. WhoooHooooo! Now the funny thing is......we are not that big of country music fan....but we love music and we love spending time with my sister in law and brother and tickets and a hotel room for 4 days in have a recipe for a good time! In about three weeks or so and we will be there. I am ready for a get away. When we come back from there, we head to Chicago for a Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood concert. Yes, our music taste can be all over the place, but it should be all fun! And of course, we will be traveling in the convertible! There is simply no other way to travel. And my brother in law and sister in law of the wind, will likewise be traveling in there brand new white convertible. Good times all around!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I need to count my blessings!

I was looking at pictures at my camera, and I know I was complaining about the freeze last night, but seeing this picture reminds me that things can be worse. This is the famous ice storm of December. Ok, I will take the freeze and I will quit complaining!


So what is the is OK to plant after Mother's Day? Well, Mother's Day has come and gone, but last night we had a stinking freeze warning! So I had to drag all my potted plants inside and cover the ones that were too big, with towels, so they would not freeze. And when I had to climb out of my nice warm bed this morning at 5:30 a.m., it was freezing cold in the bathroom. I even dug out the ceremic heater so I would not freeze to death getting ready to go to work. See, this is why I need to move south! So tonight, everything got carried outside and the dirt vacuumed up from my plants being inside. We will try again! Thought I would share my plants on the front porch. Also, my welcome sign by the front door.

Have a great night!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


My liliac tree is in full bloom, so I thought I would share. It is as nice smelling as it is beautiful. If the breeze hits just right, the smell of liliacs waifes throught the house. I love it! Anyway, it will be beautiful for a week and then gone, so I wanted to perserve a picture of it while it is still beautiful! Enjoy!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hard to Believe

Well, it has finally happened. After paying for 3 sets of orthodontia, 7 years of private high school, 24 years of private grade school and 14 years of college, our youngest of three, graduated from college!

I do not know where the time has gone. It just seemed like yesterday we were moving her into the dorms and praying that she would make it through the first semester. It has not been an easy 4 years, but she made it through and managed to get a full ride to grad school. I am very proud of her.

With no more tuition to pay, I am not sure what I will do with my money. I am going to assume that there might be some more travel plans in the future for me! Or maybe a vacation home at the beach! I can only dream!


Friday, May 8, 2009


My friend Patti came running in the yard yesterday, saying the neighbors down the street had put out a pair of Adirondack chairs out by the curb with a big FREE sign on them. Well, we skedaddle out butts right down there and after relaxing in them along the curb for a few minutes, we put them on our heads and headed for home. She said when she saw them that she knew they were made to be by my fire pit, so that is where we unloaded them. We sat down, shot the breeze and decided they were quite the find! Price being right and everything. A nice bright coat of a terra cotta color on them and they will be brilliant. What a great friend, you are Patti! Now we just need to burn that sign celebrating your 50th! LOL