Goodness! I can not believe it is already them middle of October. Where does time go? It was a beautiful day. Sun was out and it actually made it above 70 degrees. We have not seen that temperature for several weeks or longer. Anyway, I spent the day outside working in the yard. Managed to get all the grasses cut down and odds and ends cleaned up. I brought all the pillows and cushions inside, pulled weeds, pulled wilted annuals, raked and blew up leaves. I also scraped several boards on the fence and repainted them. In addition, I painted the new side window that was replaced on the front door. I am just making myself tired thinking of how much I got done today. It is a good feeling. I think I have about 2 hours of yard work done and then I can call it done for the winter. Let the snow begin!
Spent the last week week of September on the island. Had a great time. The house we stayed in was beautiful. It was a new place for us and I loved it. You can see from the pictures how beautiful it was. Spent the week reading, crabbing, fishing and collecting shells. Even managed to do our annual craft project. Makes my geechee heart sing! I got to spend two weeks on the island this year and another at the beach. Not a bad year!
Last year at this time we were in Italy. We are starting to shop for another Europe trip. We may aim for next spring instead of next fall because of work. I really want to hit Paris this time as well as Venice. We will see how it works out.
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