Friday, October 10, 2008

Italy, Turkey, Greece

It has been a while since I have posted. It is amazing how fast time has gone by. It flies faster and faster. I can not believe it is already october. It will not be long until the holidays are here. It is incredible to start thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas! YIKES
Anyway, we are off to Italy on Wednesday. We will be staying in Rome for a few days and then boarding a cruise to sail around Italy, stop in Greece and then spend a day in Istanbul, Turkey. I have never been overseas before, so it should be interesting. I am both nervous and excited. I dread the flight but am excited to see another part of the world. Anyway, I will let you know how it goes.
Update on kids...the whirlwind is back from New York and back at school for her senior year at college. I have one more tuition payment to make! I am so excited. Kid #2 is in Orlando for the week, doing work. And kids #1 is about to get his own cell phone store. They are all doing great. Well, bed is calling me. Hope you all sleep well!



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