Why is it that the hardest thing to do is the say "Enough!" to your child? Not even really a child but a young 23, almost 24 year old adult. The baby of the family who want to remain the baby when it is convenient but wants to make adult decisions when it suits her. Why is it painful to be the one who has to stand up and say enough, knowing that it is heart wrenching but it is for her own good. Baby girl...I love you with my whole heart...I am so proud of you and it breaks my heart to hear you say that you are a failure when you are anything but that. I love your spirit, your determination to be yourself and take on the whole world. But if you don't stop now and learn the lessons the world is trying to teach you, you can face a very uncertain future and sense of financial security. It has to stop now even if it means delaying your dreams. I am so very sorry........