So I spent Saturday working on the free Adirionak chairs that my friend Patti was able to score for me in my neighbor's driveway, that had FREE signs hanging from them. I painted them a delicious color called clay pot. They look and feel beautiful. See for yourself! And yes, I know the windmills look ridiculous, but they have managed to keep the robins from plopping their butts down and pooping all over my work of art! So they are going to stay. They have worked wonderful in keeping the birds from flying into the large glass windows on the back of the house, so I thought I would give them a try on the back of the chairs, and they work great! No more bird poop! It is the small successes in life that can make you happy! I have added a few more pictures of some of my plants. They are doing beautiful in the wet weather. So today I am thankful for paint called clay pot, windmills that keep birds from landing and pooping, flowers, dirt, sunshine and rain. I have much to be thankful for!